
Monday, December 30, 2013

Good riddance 2013!

Well, I finally made it. Tomorrow marks the very last day of 2013, a bittersweet day for me. I finally can say goodbye to the worst year of my life, a year that brought me more pain than in all 27 years of my life combined. But to say goodbye to this year also feels sad to me, because for the first time in my life, I am bringing in a new year without my mom.  People use that last evening of the year to reflect on their year and what's to come, and it's hard to not feel overwhelmed with how much pain is in my heart. I know everyone says that she wants me to be happy but it's hard to not feel like it's so unjust to celebrate events without her, regardless of what she would "want". But as much as I hate it sometimes, I have to go on with my life... and I can only hope that 2014 will be an improvement  (how could it not?).

Now that I've gotten that off of my chest, I am going to try to focus on the good that has happened this year, even if the bad seems overshadow it. In October, the year took a little bit of a positive turn and I finally got out of the terrible job I was working, and though I only worked there for 8 months, it felt like 8 years. I had to literally pry myself out of bed every single day, going to that job made me physically sick to my stomach. It just added to my already depressed state and it was actually taking a toll on my health. My boss and I were never on the same page and not only was she making my life a living hell, I'm pretty sure I was making hers one as well.

So I then applied to just about every job I could find and had a ton of interviews set up, with my first interview being at Geico. 5 interviews later, I received a job offer to be a Liability Claims Adjuster. I wasn't sure how to feel about what the job entailed but when I found out the pay (my first salary job!) I knew I couldn't pass it up. So far it's been a great experience, it's an amazing company to work for.  I started the job a little over a month ago and I am so much happier. My first two weeks were state licensing, had to take a huge 200 question test to get my adjuster license. I passed that and moved onto the actual training. The training is 15 weeks, but I basically get paid to go to school. We have a teacher that lectures all day, we take quizzes, tests, just like college, except it's my job. There's a lot to learn and there are days my brain feels as though it can't absorb anything else, but I will start taking my own claims in February (with trainers to help) and then after 6 weeks of that, I will be on the floor by myself. It's no doubt going to be stressful and a huge workload, but I am confident I can handle it. I've also made a LOT of amazing friends and formed some awesome relationships just these last few months. I've also recently started dating a really awesome guy so if that turns out the way I hope it does, I can add that to my list of positives from 2013. OH, and how could I forget the AMAZING season the Seahawks have had in 2013. I will cry so many tears of joy if I can see them in the Superbowl this year (and a win at that!).

I suppose that's all the updates for now. Like I always say, I don't even think anyone reads this since I don't publish the link, but it just makes me feel better to write it out sometimes, not to mention it's nice to reflect back on.

Happy New Year blog world...and last but not least....GO SEAHAWKS!!

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