I hope everyone else has a great start to the year as well. I realize I haven't posted on here in awhile, almost a year actually. And considering my last post was all about the Super Bowl, it's only fitting that I start this post by saying I would be extremely stoked and spoiled if the Seahawks go again this year. Back to back is almost unheard of and my luck would probably make it so it won't happen but hey, we are only 2 weeks away from maybe doing it again! And I would probably die of pure joy. :-)
Anyways, enough about football, what else is new?! Well..not much! That may explain why I haven't posted in awhile. Not much to report. I mostly just make these posts for myself so I can look back and compare. Still working at geico, it's been a little over a year now and I'm already being told to by management to post for a promotion. I'm gonna wait it out a little longer though. My level of claims had taken a year to master (and even then I haven't mastered it) and I am not quite ready to take bodily injury claims because that means negotiating with attorneys and lets be honest? My negotiation skills are lacking. They demand a million for pain and suffering and I'll offer them a million and a half hahaha. Anyway, it's a stressful job but it's a great company and it pays the bills. When I get my yearly bonus next month I plan to finally buy a new car. My 2001 VW Passat is biting the dust. My car died on Christmas Eve in the middle of a 4 way stop and my dad and brother had to push me into the parking lot hahah. That's when I knew it may be tjme to move up in the world. Not excited to have car payments and higher insurance rates but I suppose since I'll be 29 this year, I should be a big girl. :) thinking maybe a new Honda civic or something.
Speaking of turning 29 this year, how the hell did that happen? Seems like just yesterday I was overwhelmed that I was officially in my 20s and in 5 months I will be celebrating my last birthday in my 20s. Thank God though. I have changed and grown up so much these last 9 years and as much as I miss a lot about those days, it's nice to feel stable and have your shit together. The only downside is I think im the only friend left my age that is still single with no kids. I gotta hurry before my eggs dry up hahaha. 5 of my friends on FB got engaged last night. #foreveralone #crazycatlady hahah. Oh that reminds me, I got a kitty in 2014! Back in June I adopted her. I don't even normally like cats but my cat is the shit. I named her Nylah. .
What else, hmmm. Well I survived the second Christmas holiday without my mom and its still so hard. I miss her every single day but I have gotten stronger. I talk about her a lot. I was in Seattle visiting my Aunt the week before Christmas and we talked about memories of my mom the whole time and instead of crying, this year we laughed. So it's improvement but man I do miss that lady.
That's all I've got for now. I'll post some photos from the year so I can look back on 2014 and smile. 'Twas a good year and cheers to 2015!
My new homemade seahawks scarf :)